Schedule an appointment to talk to your provider. Your provider will complete a risk assessment, suggest specific tests, and discuss the results where your provider will talk about treatment and/or prevention options.
Treatment for STIs
Antibiotics and Antivirals: Bacterial STIs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis are often treated with antibiotics. Viral STIs like herpes and HIV may require antiviral medications to manage symptoms and reduce acquisition.
Partner Notification: It’s important for individuals diagnosed with an STI to inform their sexual partners o that they can also get tested and treated if necessary.
Follow-Up and Monitoring: Follow-up appointments may be recommended to ensure treatment effectiveness and to address any complications. Monitoring for recurrent infections or complications is essential.
Testing for STIs
Types of Tests:
Blood tests detect antibodies and antigens produced by the body in response to acquiring viruses or bacteria, such as HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis.
Swab tests involve taking a sample from the genitals, rectum, or throat to detect the aquisition of viruses or bacteria, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HPV.
Urine tests detect aquired viruses or bacteria, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea.
Frequency and Guidelines: Test frequency depends on factors such as sexual activity, number of partners, and risk behaviors. Regular testing is recommended for sexually active individuals, particularly those with multiple partners or who engage in unprotected sex.
Confidentiality and Consent: Testing and results are confidention and healthcare providers adhere to privacy regulations. Informed consent is necessary before conducting tests and reporting results to ensure individuals understand the procedures and implications.
Prevention Strategies
Safe Sex Practices: Limiting the number of sexual partners and complete mutual testing by both you and your partner before exual activity can reduce the acquisition of STIs. Using condoms consistently and correctly can significantly reduce the acquisition of STIs.
Vaccination and PrEP: Vaccines are available for preventing certain STIs, such as HPV (human papillomavirus) and Hepititis B. PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a medication available to reduce acquiring HIV in persons who are HIV-negative.
Education and Awareness: Promoting awareness about STIs, their symptoms, and the importance of testing and treatment helps reduce stigma and encourage early intervention.