We understand that life can get hectic sometimes. Between obligations like work or school or things like unpredictable traffic or weather can make scheduling and keeping an appointment difficult. This is why we’ve introduced TeleVisits!

How exactly does it work?

1) Contact the office and ask to schedule a TeleVisit.

2) Download the Healow app from the app store and use our unique practice code EEIAAA.

3) If you haven't set up your patient portal, please call our office, and we will reissue your login credentials. 

If you've forgotten your password, select Trouble logging in to go to the account recovery page. 

4) To set up the healow app for first time use, you will need to verify your identity and set up a 4-digit PIN. 

5) Once you've logged into the app, your appointment will appear at the top of the circle. Select the red section to open your appointment.

6) Select the eye icon at the bottom right of the appointment block

​​7) Select Start TeleVisit

Do this at least 10 minutes prior to your appointment to check your connection. 

The next page will ask you to enter your vitals. You can enter what information you have or skip this section and give that info to the provider during your visit. 

​​Congrates you are checked in!

Your healthcare provider will join you on your visit at your scheduled time. This visit will be similar to your regular office visit but virtual - similar to FaceTime or Skype.

The Patient Portal

The Healow app uses the same username and password for your patient portal. To access our practice patient portal click HERE.

Can't remember your username and password?
​No problem! Click HERE

What is a TeleVisit?

A TeleVisit is an optional virtual one-on-one office visit through our Patient Portal or Healow App. 'Virtual' (Tele) meaning that it takes place over an internet connection through a computer or cell phone. 'Visit' meaning that you will see our physician  in real time to discuss your health and wellness concerns. The provider will be able to assess your symptoms and issues and make the necessary recommendations, including prescribing medications and scheduling follow up appointments. ​

Find us using our unique practice code on the healow app